Monday, February 8, 2010

10 months old

Maia turned 10 months old this Feb. It's so amazing to think that we are 2 short months away from having a 1 year old! Maia continues to amaze us with her sweet spirit, gorgeous smile, and curiosity.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit for almost 2 weeks! They came to help out during WSU's Festival of Contemporary Art Music of which Aleks was a co-coordinator and I was a participant. It was so wonderful to have them here.

According to Grandma and Grandpa, Maia can now say:
"no" & "yogurt"

While I haven't heard her say "no", Maia definitely shakes her head no when she doesn't want something. The other day she was sitting in front of her cupboard of toys and made her sign for more (clapping her hands) and looked over at Grandma. Grandma said, "do you need something?" and walked over to Maia. Grandma pointed at the toys and said "do you want your toys?". Maia shook her head no. Grandma asked "do you want your books?". Maia laughed and waved her arms up and down (her sign for yes). It's amazing how much of what we're saying Maia understands. I guess she's been paying attention these past 10 months.

My records of Maia's words include:
"mama", "dada" & "yaya"

Maia also says "dap" and "daps". I'm not sure what this means, but it's her favorite word.

Maia now plays peek-a-boo. She puts her hands over her eyes and waits for you to say "Where's Maia?" and then she removes her hands with a huge grin. It's pretty cute.

Here are Maia and Grandma practicing the piano:

Grandma and Grandpa also took great pleasure in feeding Maia. During their visit she experienced lots of different foods (including a doughnut...). Her new favorites include grapes, muffins, grilled cheese, and cheerios in milk.

Maia loves taking baths. We just recently enrolled in a parent/child swimming class which Maia also loves. We sing lots of songs and learn to kick our feet and move our arms. Thankfully it's an indoor pool that is quite warm!

Now that Maia has decided to crawl, she's becoming more mobile each day. Her little legs are getting stronger and stronger and she's pulling herself up onto anything she can reach. It's nice to have her a bit more independent.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are too cute!! And she really looks like you, Em! Miss you!!!
