Tuesday, September 15, 2009

County Fair, First Ponytail, and the E.R.

The past few weeks have been pretty big around the S-D household. Maia is now sleeping 12 hours a night! Aleks and I are so grateful and are slowly catching up on our sleep.

Usually we put Maia down at 6:30 and she sleeps until 6:30 the next morning. Last night when we put her down, she woke up at 7:30 screaming. We went in and calmed her and she fell back asleep only to wake up again at 8:00 and 8:30 screaming. Aleks and I were both getting concerned and decided that a trip to the E.R. was called for. Well, 1 1/2 hours later, the E.R. doc diagnosed her with an ear infection and prescribed ear drops and Tylenol. If she doesn't get better in the next few days, we also have a prescription for some antibiotics that we can fill. So far, she's been doing fine with the pain management. Anyway, after we put drops in her ears, we have to put some cotton balls in to catch any oil that might drip out. This evening, Maia was eating peas in her rice cereal with cotton in her ears... I think she looks like Shrek.

Maia's hair is long enough to put in a ponytail! It didn't last very long and looks like it was styled in the 80's, but still pretty cute.

This weekend we went to the County Fair. One of my students was showing a pig, so here we are with Hamlet the pig.

It was super hot, so Maia cooled off with some ice.

Maia rode her first merry-go-round! She loved it and we loved seeing her experience it for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. Hamlet! what a great pig name. seriously.
    I'm glad Maia has medicine for her ears! poor little lady!!! get well sooon!!
