Wednesday, August 26, 2009

End of summer

Well, summer for the Sternfeld-Dunn's is officially over. Aleks went back to work on Monday and I will begin teaching next week. It's been so nice being home together, we will miss Aleks being gone most of the day. Maia is still not sleeping very well and this week has been especially tough. We think she has a cold and/or is teething. I try to remind myself that things will change in a few weeks at most.

Maia is starting to sit up on her own! We've been practicing lots and Maia is getting the hang of it.

The National Lentil Festival was this weekend and so Maia got dressed up in her cute hat and baby converse. She loved her first Lentil Fest.

Maia's friend Alden came over the other night to hang out in the air conditioning. He's 2 months younger than Maia and a total cutie! They'll probably start a rock band together one day.

Here are two more of Maia's friends; Oliver is in the middle and Owen is on the far right.

Owen and Maia are BFFs, they are 5 days apart and love hanging out at the park.

And a news update about me:
I've been hired to teach adjunct voice lessons at WSU this semester. I have 5 students and will be teaching one day a week at the university. I'm really excited about the opportunity to do something outside the house and for myself. I really enjoy teaching. My private studio is also full this year, I'm teaching 3 afternoons a week. Thankfully, Aleks will be able to watch Maia while I teach. She's still being super clingy and prefers mom to almost everyone. However, there are two exceptions, Dad and Aunt Terry. Thank goodness for them!

1 comment:

  1. yay! a new update!
    sound's exciting with all the teaching you'll be doing! wooop woop! you take such great pics! Maia hanging out with her BFF is to die for!
