I thought we were having a boy and Aleks thought we were having a girl, so we decided to make a deal. Whoever was correct would get to pick the name. Needless to say, Aleks is now threatening Shaniqua Laboufa Sternfeld-Dunn. Either that or a name with all consonants...

Maia's little sister was so cute during the ultrasound, chewing on her hand and moving a ton. Could it possible that we have a daughter that has more personality than Maia? Heaven help us. We are both thrilled and looking forward to Maia having a sister.

PS. I know I promised pictures of the new house and my belly... the hardwood floors and tile are still being installed, so the house is a bit of a mess right now. They will come soon... probably next week since we're headed to Hartford this weekend for Aleks' commencement ceremony at the Hartt School.