It's only ten to 7, but the girls have been up since 4:45. My head feels spacey yet simultaneously as heavy as lead. I'm on my second cup of coffee and have made bacon and pancakes for the little creatures who dictate my sleeping hours.
The morning after a full day of travel in a new time zone is always rough.
The window to my bedroom is open and the crisp, fragrant air of the bay area is gently blowing. The view is of home: rolling brown hills, blue water in the distance, lemon and grapefruit trees within reach, soft blue sky. I also fed my kids blueberries and cherries this morning. The color and quality of which is only obtained in Kansas if you're willing to take out a second mortgage.
I'm so happy to be here. Even though I haven't lived in CA for over 10 years, it still feels like coming home.
We traveled yesterday on Father's Day and in an effort to get packed and out the door with everyone (including a husband with a fractured foot) intact our festivities were put on the back burner.
Which is kind of lame because the lack of celebration in no way reflects the deep love and respect I have for all the fathers in my life.
The patriarchs.
Memories of this grandpa include cable TV, swimming pools, trumpet playing, doing things the correct way even if it takes longer, and honesty.
This guy was always a charmer, lots of jokes with a twinkle in the eye, gourmet pancakes that I appreciate now more than I did then, dogs, a great driver.
The father-in-law
This guy loves to laugh, enjoys his granddaughters (all 4 of them), is a go to for advice on home repairs and all criminal offenses, and has such a soft heart.
My father
A man who can rock a perm. Or a mullet. Or a buzzed head.
I appreciate his fearlessness when it comes to hairstyles.
Willing to do the heavy lifting. Or fold several loads of laundry, unload the dishwasher, mow the lawn.
This snowman didn't have a back because my brother and I kept eating it. We were in Washington at the time and didn't usually get snow that stuck, much less come in quantities that were suitable for snowman making.

A man of integrity, incredible work ethic, a gentle spirit, and a pretty darn good pancake maker in his own right.
My babies daddy
Kind, loving, patient.
Silly, hard working, playful.
A beautiful example of a respectful, nonjudgmental, strong male.
He's my best friend and the most wonderful parenting partner I could ask for.
Happy Father's Day to all you father figures out there.
Thanks for loving and mentoring so many of us.
This world is a better place because of you.
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